Is it praying or preying? Well, if it’s the European mantid (Mantis religiosa), then logic would direct us towards praying. If it’s a Chinese mantid, genus Tenodera, or a ground mantid, genus Litaneutria, then you can probably get away with using either praying or preying.
Have you noticed I’ve been using the term mantid, not mantis? The online Oxford dictionary defines a mantid as: “A slender predatory insect with a triangular head, which waits motionless for prey with its large forelegs folded like hands in prayer.” Mantis is only one genus in which the praying mantids are classified. Some others are listed above, so the correct terminology when referring to this alien-looking creature is mantid.
Why do we care about these insects? Because they are insatiable little critters. The entomology department at the University of Kentucky shares some interesting facts: Mantids can rotate their heads 180 degrees. They have amazing camouflage. The university describes them as having long sharp spines on the inside of their front legs, so when they strike out and capture their prey, the impaled prey is held firmly in place while being eaten.
The UK website also tells us that during mating, if the male miscalculates the leap onto the female’s back that he will become her next meal. The female lays a dozen to several hundred eggs in a liquid that then hardens into a protective shell called an ootheca.
The UK website also tells us that during mating, if the male miscalculates the leap onto the female’s back that he will become her next meal. The female lays a dozen to several hundred eggs in a liquid that then hardens into a protective shell called an ootheca.
Gardeners can purchase either mantids or oothecas. Word of caution with the ootheca, due to the cannibalistic nature of these insects, they will likely eat each other if they are dispersed in a small area. They are also a bit territorial and tend to spread out, so if you attempt to establish the adults “here”, you may find them “there”.
Avoid using broad spectrum pesticide sprays in your yard. Strive for an ecologically friendly environment and let nature help you out. Just because it jumps, flies or crawls, does not mean it’s harmful to your plants. Also, the good “bugs” have to have something to eat or they won’t take up residence. Right?
For more photos of mantids and an ootheca, check out our Facebook page. The University of Maryland Extension also has a couple of cool videos on their site:
Kelley Rawlsky has an M.S. in horticulture and is the director of Bringing People and Plants Together, an organization dedicated to bringing horticulture education and therapy to the community. For more information: or follow us on Facebook.
Article originally published in the Broomfield Enterprise - July 23, 2017
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