Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Tabouli time

I love this time of year and it’s not just because college football season is starting -- although that is a big plus. It’s because my tomatoes and cucumbers are ripe at the same time and I can finally make tabouli.

Also spelled tabbouleh, this recipe is native to the mountains of Syria and Lebanon according to Montana State University’s Harvest of the Month publication. We used to eat tabouli at a Lebanese restaurant back in Tulsa. Since I stopped eating gluten a few years ago, I created my own recipe that uses quinoa instead of the more traditional bulgur wheat. This is a healthy salad that I serve regularly, so let’s talk about some of the ingredients.

Quinoa – pronounced “keen-wah”, not “kwee-noh” like the popular beer commercial from a few years ago. If you haven’t seen it, it’s pretty funny. You can check it out on YouTube.

University of Washington has this to say about quinoa “one of the few plant foods that is a complete protein source, meaning it contains all essential amino acids”. It boasts about eight grams of protein per cup and has iron, fiber, vitamin E, and heart-healthy monounsaturated fat. The university also had this fun fact. “Quinoa was sacred in Inca and it means ‘mother of all grains’. The legend says the Incan emperor would sow the first quinoa seeds with great ceremony.”

The University of Minnesota Extension website stated the protein in quinoa is “vital to cell growth, building muscle and repairing tissue”. Also, this tiny seed is packed with probiotics and is an excellent source of B12. More about the benefits and history of quinoa can be found here:

Next up are tomatoes, which contain vitamins A, C, and K. They are a good source of potassium and fiber. Regularly eating tomatoes has been found to promote healthy skin and strong bones, fight cancer, regulate blood sugar and prevent heart troubles. Michigan State University Extension has a complete list of the many benefits:

Cucumbers also contain compounds that provide numerous health benefits, such as lowered risk of cardiovascular disease and certain cancers. They contain a lot of nutrients, such as potassium, magnesium and manganese. For more reading:

A few more noteworthy ingredients. Extra virgin olive oil has monounsaturated fatty acids that are considered part of a healthy diet and may lower total and low-density cholesterol levels. Mint and parsley have been historically used to treat digestive issues.

To make tabouli: rinse one cup of quinoa thoroughly to remove any saponins – a coating that acts like a natural pesticide. Place the quinoa in a pan with two cups of water, cover and simmer for about 15 minutes. While the quinoa is cooking, mix together in a bowl: 1/2 cup of extra virgin olive oil, 1/3 cup of lemon juice, and one tablespoon each of dried peppermint and parsley. Chop 2-3 tomatoes and peeled cucumbers placing them in the bowl with the olive oil dressing, then add the cooled quinoa. Salt and pepper to taste. Refrigerate immediately, then serve cold.

For a printable recipe, check out our website on Blogger or our Facebook page.

Kelley Rawlsky has an M.S. in horticulture and is the director of Bringing People and Plants Together, an organization dedicated to bringing horticulture education and therapy to the community. For more information: or follow us on Facebook.

Article originally published in Broomfield Enterprise - Sept 3, 2017

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